Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Denny & Carmen, Curt & Jan,

Many years ago, I took a job working for a company called The Success Group. Little did I know at the time that my seven-year stint with them would have such a profound impact on me for the rest of my life.

Dear Denny & Carmen, Curt & Jan,

I was something of a stray puppy when you took me in so many years ago (I dare not articulate the actual number of years). Working for you has perhaps been the only time that being an artist was looked upon as a bonus, rather than a detriment, in the business world. I still cherish memories of being asked to design and paint a mural in Curt's office when we moved to Marconi Boulevard. (I quickly learned that no matter how big and colorful I made the mural, his personality would inevitably be bigger and more colorful.) It is with humility that I also remember the support and encouragement I received from you all to pursue my art, which I did and continue to do. And I count myself fortunate to have worked in what I still consider one of the most beautiful and art-filled offices ever.

Not only did you provide me numerous professional growth opportunities, but taught me some truly meaningful life lessons as well. You taught me that relationships are not merely something; relationships are everything. Both personally and professionally. You showed me the meaning of integrity daily. You gave me many reasons to be proud that I worked with such a caring and energetic group of people, and your gestures of love and generosity are simply too numerous to recount here.

You were my second family for those seven years, and for that I am deeply grateful.


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