Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thanks O' Plenty....

I do believe 365 Days of Gratitude is working small miracles in my life. It's Day 52 in case anyone was wondering. '-) One daily handwritten note a day sprinkled with appreciation to those along the way; truly does put a skip in ones step. Focusing on the things that are working and being more present to the gifts life brings creates an equilibrium. So, when things happen that I'm not so grateful for it's easier to accept it, deal with it and move on. It's turning into a good habit. Thanks to ALL you ladies involved in this project. You are an inspiration!! Committing to you has helped me be true to myself. Being accountable each week to blog and sending out a note each day has kept me on track. Left to my own devices who knows what would ensue?!? Thank You...Thank You...Thank You...

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