Sunday, January 16, 2011

Possibilities are Endless...

Each morning I wake up and wonder who will I thank today? The list is long of friends, family and moments shared that deserve a li'l praise.
Which that alone is something to be grateful for, don't'chya think?!?

My heart twitters in delight
in deciding whom to write.
The first one that pops in my mind
a letter they will soon find
in a few days time.

It's fun to acknowledge those who have touched our lives in both big and small ways. Both are equally important.

This weeks thanks have gone out to a handful of people that simply and whole heartedly take me as I am. Quirks and all. Lending me their ears, laughing at our lives (in a good way) and mutually appreciating each other during the time spent. Even if it's via a phone call or an e-mail.

Love my Peeps!

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